Embody Your Master Wisdom
Embrace New Potentials

Empower your choice for transformation and manifestation

Shamanic Way of Self Healing in the Modern World

Let go of limiting beliefs and elevate your frequency from a mindset of victimhood to one of abundance, independently. Our courses are designed to forge a harmonious connection between spirit, mind, and body to benefit all facets of the authentic human experience on Earth.


Our Courses

Aspects of Shadow

Inner Child Work

Awaken Embodied Feminine

Energetic Womb Clearing

Devine Union

Feminine & Masculine

Embrace Experience

Shaman Ora’s mission is to unite universal creative forces and support human transformation, awakening and remembering the divine plan. Let’s work together to make a lasting impact on your healing path.

Welcome to Shaman Ora

Our practices are influenced by ancient wisdom, the mysteries of the universe, and laws of energy to enhance transformational healing in the following aspects:

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From Victimhood to Abundance

Spiritual Growth

Transformational Matrix
The Way to Abundance
Self Love

Universal Codes

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